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A guild that sleeps together, stays together.

    Rules (Must read!)


    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2009-02-12

    Rules (Must read!) Empty Rules (Must read!)

    Post  Raediance Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:47 pm

    Follow these rules and we'll love you forever.

    [✖] Please keep all chat in guild English.
    [✖] Respect everyone! Not only your guildies, but everyone outside the guild also.
    [✖] This guild is open to both your main and alt characters. (Refer to Recruitment for more information).
    [✖] We have people of many different ages. We expect you to alteast be somewhat mature when communicating in /g.
    [✖] Help eachother as best you can. If a guildie has a question, be nice and provide them with a reasonable answer.
    [✖] Aggressing guildies will not be tolerated. You may only do so if both players agree to a battle. Do not make the excuse, "I didn't see what guild they were in." It takes two seconds to check before attacking them.
    [✖] Spamming and begging is annoying, don't do it. (This includes buying/selling p2p codes.)
    [✖] Always defend a perc attack when possible.
    [✖] Never, ever pick up a perc that you have not placed unless the owner of that perc asks you to do so.
    [✖] Do not freaking aggress the opposite allignment in areans or I will personally bitch you out.
    [✖] Have fun! Isn't that what games are for?

    Disobey these rules and you'll be kicked.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or any of the officers.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:18 pm